Thursday, February 18, 2016

One Weather Extreme to the Other

NOAA's Temperature Outlook for late February

Those Washingtonians tired of the snow and cold that’s dominated much of the last month should be pleased that the second half of February has arrived.  Daily average high temperatures are rising markedly in the Nation’s Capital.  For example, today’s average high in Washington, D.C. is 48 degrees – up from 44 on February 1.

This month has been a tale of two extremes in Washington, D.C. with temperatures more than five degrees warmer than average through February 9.  However, the second week of February was so cold that this month’s average temperature went from being 5.3 degrees warmer than average on February 9, to being 2.2 degrees below average on February 15.  A net swing of more than seven degrees over such a short period of time is rather dramatic.

In conjunction with the National Weather Service, the Midwestern Regional Climate Center released a report this week that said Washington, D.C. is having a “severe” winter.  Some criteria used in this ranking includes the amount of snow cover and cold air.  Contributing to this distinction was this past week’s five-day stretch when temperatures remained below freezing in the Nation’s Capital (from February 11 – 15).  That was the longest such stretch since January 2004.

Although no record cold has occurred over the last month, there has been 21.6 inches of snow in Washington, D.C. since January 18.  According to the National Weather Service, that’s more snow than during all of last winter.  The weather pendulum is poised to swing once again as milder than average weather is expected to envelop the Mid-Atlantic Region with temperatures in the mid to upper 50s expected over the weekend.

However, many area residents will recall that above average snowfall and below average temperatures have dominated March weather headlines during the last three years in the Nation’s Capital.  The National Climatic Data Center’s temperature outlook also indicates there is a 40% to 50% chance of below average temperatures across the Mid-Atlantic Region during the final week of February. 

However, those longing for the sustained milder weather of spring can take comfort in the fact that the coldest part of the winter has passed.  Some Washingtonians may even remember today’s record high of 77 degrees since it occurred relatively recently in 2011. 

1 comment:

  1. Seems like we are experiencing more extreme weather swings these days....perhaps more manifestations of climate change!!
